Action CMO – Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

ATTENTION: Has Marketing Your Business Left You Frustrated? Want To Learn The Strategies Of The World's Most Successful Companies?

Standing Out in the Crowd: The Anatomy of a Successful Brand

Successful Brand

In the bustling marketplace of brands, each jostling for consumers’ attention and loyalty, what is it that makes a few brands stand apart? How do they break through the noise, captivate audiences, and establish themselves as industry leaders? The answers, while complex, lay in the anatomy of a successful brand.

Successful brands, those that are distinct, memorable, and influential, share a common trait: They do more than sell products or services. They create narratives, shape perceptions, and evoke emotions. They make us feel connected, understood, and even inspired.

Let’s take Apple, for example. While they are undeniably a tech company, selling phones, computers, and gadgets, they present themselves as much more. Their branding doesn’t focus on the technical specifications of their products; instead, it centers around the concepts of innovation, design, and the user experience. They have built an identity that resonates with their consumers and reflects their ethos of “thinking different.”

So how can other brands replicate such success? How can they create their unique narrative that propels them from being just another name in the marketplace to becoming a beloved and influential brand?

The first step lies in introspection. Brands must understand their core values and how they wish to be perceived. Are they pioneers, challenging the status quo like Tesla? Or are they comforters, providing familiar reliability like McDonald’s? Knowing this identity forms the foundation of the brand’s narrative.

Next, successful brands know their audience well. Not just the demographic data, but the more nuanced aspects like their hopes, fears, values, and motivations. Armed with this understanding, brands can create stories and messages that resonate deeply with their audience, resulting in a strong emotional connection.

Another critical aspect is consistency. Brands like Coca-Cola and Nike have maintained their core messaging and values across decades. This consistent reinforcement strengthens the brand image in consumers’ minds and builds trust. It doesn’t mean brands can’t evolve – they should – but the evolution should align with the established brand identity.

Moreover, successful brands are not afraid to take a stance. In a world where consumers increasingly prefer brands that align with their social and political beliefs, silence or fence-sitting can be detrimental. Brands like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry’s, known for their active stand on environmental and social issues, have cultivated a loyal consumer base that shares their values.

Lastly, in the words of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Successful brands consistently deliver high-quality products or services and exceptional customer experiences. They understand that every interaction with a consumer, no matter how insignificant, is an opportunity to reinforce their brand image.

In conclusion, successful branding is an intricate blend of introspection, audience understanding, consistency, courageous stances, and above all, delivering on promises. The anatomy of a successful brand isn’t just about eye-catching logos or catchy taglines; it’s about the emotional and psychological relationship between a brand and its consumers.

So, as you embark on your brand-building journey, remember: A brand is much more than a product or a company. It’s a story, an experience, and an identity. Make it one that stands out in the crowd.

Did these insights capture your attention? Are you thinking about exploring the fascinating world of marketing, strategy, or sales? You’re at the perfect place. Paul Conant, an accomplished expert in business growth with a stellar track record, is ready to navigate you through these terrains.

Whether you’re a startup striving to stand out or a well-established brand looking to exploit influential networks, Paul’s counsel is an invaluable resource. With over 30 years of enriching experience, he has assisted numerous businesses in propelling their sales and growth across a range of sectors.

Prior to Gizoom, his triumphant enterprise, Paul made remarkable progress in the electronics industry, further fortifying his business expertise. Presently, he applies this vast knowledge to provide astute advice on a variety of business issues while also serving as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer, formulating dynamic strategies.

Embarking on a journey in marketing, strategy, and sales doesn’t have to be intimidating. Guided by the right mentor, it becomes an exciting adventure ripe with opportunities for growth and success. Ready to kickstart this journey? Don’t wait, contact Paul Conant today to book an appointment, and set your business on the path to achieving its maximum potential.

The Butterfly Effect in Digital Marketing: Small Actions, Big Consequences

Digital Marketing

In the intricately woven tapestry of the digital marketing landscape, the power of small actions can often be underestimated. However, much like the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico can cause a hurricane in China, minute changes in marketing strategies can have far-reaching, even disruptive consequences on a company’s success. Welcome to the world of the Butterfly Effect in Digital Marketing.

This phenomenon is rooted in the field of chaos theory in mathematics. It suggests that tiny differences in a system’s initial conditions can yield wildly varying outcomes, making future predictions virtually impossible. And although this may sound like the plot of a high-stakes thriller, the concept applies aptly to the real-world landscape of digital marketing.

Imagine an Instagram post, for instance. A small tweak in the caption’s wording, a minute shift in the time of posting, or even an alteration in the color palette of an image can lead to significant changes in user engagement. A difference of just a few hours could determine whether a post gets buried under the avalanche of digital content or goes viral, triggering a ripple of customer interactions.

Similarly, changes in SEO strategies—such as introducing new keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, or revamping webpage layouts—can result in a business leaping up the search engine results pages, leading to increased visibility and higher traffic. While these adjustments may seem minor, the subsequent increase in potential leads and sales can be monumental.

In essence, every marketing decision, no matter how seemingly trivial, becomes a butterfly flapping its wings, with the potential to cause a hurricane of responses. But navigating this intricate chaos requires more than just understanding it—it requires strategy, agility, and most importantly, constant evolution.

In the words of Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, “What’s dangerous is not to evolve.” The digital marketing world is in a constant state of flux, and those unwilling to evolve will quickly be left behind. This means keeping an eye on emerging trends, tracking changes in consumer behavior, and tweaking strategies accordingly.

However, the onus isn’t just on making changes—it’s about making the right changes. For every successful shift, countless others go unnoticed. Hence, it is essential to not only study the successes but also learn from the failures. Companies should adopt a culture of continuous testing, where risks are not only encouraged but embraced.

And above all, it’s about knowing your audience. The best marketing strategies aren’t derived from data and algorithms alone. They come from understanding the nuances of your audience’s behavior, their preferences, and their needs. After all, if your audience is the ocean upon which your hurricane thrives, understanding them is your map to navigate the chaos.

In a world that often seems dominated by the ‘big players,’ the Butterfly Effect offers a glimmer of hope. It demonstrates that no business is too small to make an impact, that no action is too insignificant to cause a ripple.

So, the next time you’re crafting that social media post, designing a new website, or brainstorming a marketing campaign, remember: the flap of your digital butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane halfway across the digital world. And who knows? It might just be the storm that disrupts the industry.

Are these insights sparking curiosity? Do you find yourself wanting to dive deeper into the realms of marketing, strategy, or sales? You’re in the right place. Reach out to Paul Conant. With a rich history in offering top-notch fractional services, Paul is your go-to resource for all things marketing, strategy, and sales.

Whether you’re an underdog looking to challenge industry titans, a seasoned brand hoping to harness the power of influential networks, or a business seeking to develop a standout brand identity – Paul Conant can guide you on your journey. Don’t hesitate to contact him for advice, insights, and actionable strategies tailored to your business.

Remember, the world of marketing, strategy, and sales doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right guidance, it can be an exciting adventure full of growth and success. Ready to take the first step? Contact Paul Conant today

Meet Paul Conant – a seasoned entrepreneur and business growth expert with over 30 years of hands-on experience. Having helped numerous small businesses and retail firms turbocharge their sales and scale new heights, Paul’s proficiency in driving business performance across service, retail, and e-commerce sectors is unmatched.

He is a master at combining creativity and operational insights to generate exceptional results. Before he created Gizoom, Paul had an impressive run in the electronics industry, further solidifying his business acumen.

These days, Paul uses his extensive expertise to consult on a range of business matters, and also serves as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer, crafting powerful online and offline strategies. Leveraging his in-depth knowledge and strategic outlook, he’s committed to empowering businesses to achieve their full potential.

The Importance of Assessing Your Business Model for Long-Term Success

Business Growth

Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to thrive while others struggle to survive? One crucial factor that differentiates successful businesses from those that fail is the continuous assessment and improvement of their business model. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it is no longer enough to create a reasonable business model at the outset of your venture and expect it to remain viable forever. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind the importance of assessing your business model and provide guidance on how can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Why is Assessing Your Business Model Critical?

The business world is full of companies that started with great ideas but eventually failed. To avoid falling into this trap, leaders must perform regular business model assessments to achieve the following objectives:

Identify strengths and weaknesses: A thorough assessment allows you to pinpoint areas where your business excels and where it may be falling short. This information is invaluable for making informed decisions and driving growth.

Evaluate team performance: By analyzing your team’s performance, you can identify skill gaps and areas that require improvement. This will enable you to create targeted training programs and invest in your employees’ development.

Establish new goals: As your business grows and evolves, it’s crucial to set new objectives that align with your current market position and overall vision. Regularly reassessing your business model will help you stay focused and motivated.

Delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively: A robust assessment can help you identify the best ways to allocate resources and responsibilities among team members, ensuring that everyone is working efficiently and contributing to the company’s success.

Increase market share and cash flow: By understanding your business’s strengths and weaknesses, you can develop strategies to expand your market share and increase revenue.

Create action plans for challenges: No business is without its challenges. Identifying and addressing weaknesses or obstacles head-on can help you stay agile and resilient in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Using an Effective Tool for Business Model Validation

To make the most of your business model assessment, it’s vital to use a reliable and effective tool that allows you to analyze, monitor, and continuously improve your strategies. This will enable you to stay ahead of industry trends and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

How Can Help

At, we understand the importance of assessing and evolving your business model to ensure long-term success. Our team of experts is here to provide guidance, support, and the tools you need to validate your business model, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies that drive growth.

Don’t let your business fall behind; take action today and invest in your company’s future. Contact us at for more information on how we can help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve lasting success.

In conclusion, assessing your business model is critical for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. By regularly evaluating and adjusting your strategies, you can stay agile and resilient in a constantly changing business landscape. Take advantage of the expertise and tools available at to ensure your company’s long-term success. Remember, a proactive approach to business model assessment is essential for staying ahead of the competition and thriving in today’s fast-paced world.

How Hiring the Right People Can Boost Your Company’s Growth

hiring people

Building a successful company is heavily reliant on hiring the right people who can contribute to the organization’s growth. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of hiring the right people and share tips on how to build a team that supports your company’s growth.

Define the roles and responsibilities

Before starting the hiring process, it’s crucial to clearly define the roles and responsibilities required for each position. This will help ensure that you hire people with the right skills and experience to perform the tasks needed to drive your company’s growth.

Look for cultural fit

Hiring employees who align with your company’s values and culture is just as important as finding candidates with the right skills. Employees who fit well within your company culture are more likely to be engaged, productive, and contribute to a positive work environment.

Develop a robust recruitment process

Create a structured recruitment process that helps you identify and attract top talent. This may include developing clear job descriptions, leveraging online job boards and social media, and using structured interviews to assess candidates’ skills and experience.

Consider soft skills

In addition to technical skills, consider candidates’ soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are often critical for success in a fast-growing company and can help your team navigate challenges and adapt to change.

Offer competitive compensation and benefits

To attract and retain the best talent, ensure your compensation and benefits packages are competitive within your industry. This may include offering a competitive salary, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks that appeal to top candidates.

Invest in employee development

Encourage the growth of your employees by investing in their professional development. This may include offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and resources to help them expand their skills and knowledge.

Foster a supportive work environment

Create a work environment where employees feel supported, valued, and motivated to contribute to the company’s success. This may include offering flexible work arrangements, promoting open communication, and recognizing employees’ achievements.

Leverage fractional services

Consider using fractional services, such as fractional CMOs and CSOs, to bring in specialized expertise on a part-time or temporary basis. This can help you access top talent without the commitment of a full-time employee, allowing you to scale your team as needed to support your company’s growth.

By following these tips and prioritizing the hiring of the right people, you can build a team that drives your company’s growth and contributes to its long-term success.

“Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constantly changing business landscape? Don’t let it hold you back from achieving your goals. ActionCMO is here to help you navigate the complexities of business planning and develop a strategy that drives growth and profitability. Our team of experts will provide valuable insights and a personalized action plan designed to empower your business.

Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your strategy and unlock your full potential. Book your free, no-obligation consultation today, and let’s work together to create a roadmap for success. Make your vision a reality with ActionCMO. Visit to schedule your consultation now.

Empower Your Business with a Solid Strategy – Schedule Your Free Consultation Today:

10 Common Marketing & Sales Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Company’s Growth

Common Mistakes

Growing a company is no easy feat, and many businesses face challenges when it comes to marketing and sales. To help your business avoid these pitfalls, we’ve compiled a list of 10 common marketing and sales mistakes that can hinder your company’s growth.

Not having a clear marketing and sales strategy

A clear marketing and sales strategy is essential for any business aiming to grow. Without a well-defined plan, you risk wasting time and resources on ineffective tactics that don’t yield results.

Failing to understand your target audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating effective marketing campaigns and sales strategies. Failing to do so can lead to poorly targeted messages that don’t resonate with potential customers.

Neglecting SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your website. Ignoring SEO best practices can result in low search engine rankings, making it difficult for potential customers to find your business online.

Overlooking the importance of content marketing

Content marketing is a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience and establishing your company as an industry expert. Neglecting this area can lead to missed opportunities for customer engagement and growth.

Ineffective use of social media

Social media is a valuable platform for connecting with your audience and promoting your brand. However, businesses that fail to use social media effectively risk alienating potential customers and harming their online reputation.

Poorly executed email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is an essential channel for nurturing leads and driving sales. Poorly executed campaigns can result in low open and click-through rates, reducing your chances of converting subscribers into customers.

Not investing in sales training

A well-trained sales team is crucial for closing deals and driving revenue. Failing to invest in sales training can lead to a lack of skilled salespeople and, ultimately, lost opportunities for growth.

Inaccurate tracking of marketing and sales data

Accurate data tracking is vital for making informed decisions and refining your marketing and sales strategies. Companies that fail to track their data accurately risk making costly mistakes based on incorrect information.

Relying solely on one marketing channel

Diversifying your marketing channels is essential for reaching a broader audience and maximizing your chances of success. Relying solely on one channel can limit your potential for growth and leave you vulnerable to changes in that channel’s effectiveness.

Failing to adapt and evolve

The world of marketing and sales is constantly changing, and businesses must adapt to stay ahead of the competition. Companies that fail to evolve their strategies risk falling behind and losing out on growth opportunities.

By avoiding these common marketing and sales mistakes, you can set your business up for success and accelerate your company’s growth. Stay focused on creating a comprehensive strategy, understanding your audience, and utilizing diverse marketing channels to maximize your potential for success.

As your business grows, your marketing needs may change. Our expert fractional CMOs will work with you to adapt your grassroots marketing strategy as needed, ensuring that your tactics remain effective and relevant.

Grassroots marketing is a cost-effective, authentic, and powerful way to grow your business without breaking the bank. With the help of ActionCMO’s expert fractional CMOs, you can develop creative, targeted strategies that engage your audience, foster word-of-mouth buzz, and drive results. Contact ActionCMO today to learn how our fractional CMOs can help you harness the power of grassroots marketing and create a winning strategy for your business! Free Marketing Discussion

Grassroots Marketing: Grow Your Business without Breaking the Bank

Grassroots Marketing

Growing your business doesn’t have to be expensive. With grassroots marketing, you can build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales without spending a fortune. In this post, we’ll explore the power of grassroots marketing and how ActionCMO’s fractional CMOs can help you develop cost-effective strategies for growing your business.

What is Grassroots Marketing?

Grassroots marketing is a low-cost, high-impact approach to promoting your business that focuses on building relationships with your target audience and leveraging word-of-mouth advertising. It involves creative, targeted tactics that engage your audience and encourages them to share your message with others.

Why Choose Grassroots Marketing?


Grassroots marketing is a budget-friendly alternative to traditional advertising methods, making it ideal for small businesses or those with limited marketing resources.


Grassroots marketing tactics often involve genuine, personal interactions with your audience, helping you build trust and credibility with your customers.


When done well, grassroots marketing can generate word-of-mouth buzz, allowing your message to spread organically and reach a broader audience.


Grassroots marketing tactics can be easily adapted to suit your specific needs and goals, allowing you to create a customized marketing strategy that works for your business.

How ActionCMO’s Fractional CMOs Can Help You Develop Grassroots Marketing Strategies:

Our expert fractional CMOs at ActionCMO can help you develop and execute effective grassroots marketing strategies tailored to your business and target audience. 

We’ll work with you to:

Identify Your Target Audience:

Understanding your target audience is essential for creating grassroots marketing tactics that resonate with them. Our fractional CMOs will help you analyze your audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points to develop strategies that address their needs and desires.

Develop Creative Tactics:

Our expert fractional CMOs will brainstorm creative, targeted tactics that engage your audience and encourage them to share your message with others. This can include strategies like hosting local events, collaborating with influencers, or launching a referral program.

Leverage Social Media:

Social media platforms are powerful tools for grassroots marketing. We’ll help you develop a social media strategy that builds relationships with your audience, fosters engagement, and drives word-of-mouth buzz.

Monitor and Measure Results:

Our fractional CMOs will help you set up systems for tracking the performance of your grassroots marketing efforts, ensuring that you can measure your success and optimize your strategy for maximum impact.

Adapt and Evolve:

As your business grows, your marketing needs may change. Our expert fractional CMOs will work with you to adapt your grassroots marketing strategy as needed, ensuring that your tactics remain effective and relevant.

Grassroots marketing is a cost-effective, authentic, and powerful way to grow your business without breaking the bank. With the help of ActionCMO’s expert fractional CMOs, you can develop creative, targeted strategies that engage your audience, foster word-of-mouth buzz, and drive results. Contact ActionCMO today to learn how our fractional CMOs can help you harness the power of grassroots marketing and create a winning strategy for your business! Free Marketing Discussion

SWOT Analysis: The Cornerstone of a Winning Marketing Strategy

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool for evaluating your business’s internal and external environment. It helps you identify your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, providing valuable insights that can guide your marketing strategy. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of conducting a SWOT analysis and how it can benefit your business.

What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps you assess your business’s internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and capitalize on your competitive advantages.

The Four Elements of SWOT Analysis:


Strengths are the internal attributes that give your business an advantage over your competitors. These can include your unique selling proposition (USP), skilled workforce, proprietary technology, or strong brand recognition. Identifying your strengths can help you focus on what sets your business apart and leverage these assets in your marketing strategy.


Weaknesses are the internal factors that hinder your business’s performance and limit your ability to compete effectively. Examples might include a limited product range, outdated technology, or poor customer service. Recognizing your weaknesses allows you to address them and minimize their impact on your marketing efforts.


Opportunities are external factors that present the potential for growth and success. These could include changes in market trends, technological advancements, or new customer segments. By identifying opportunities, you can adapt your marketing strategy to seize these openings and stay ahead of the competition.


Threats are external factors that pose risks to your business and can negatively impact your performance. Examples include changes in consumer preferences, economic downturns, or increased competition. Being aware of potential threats enables you to mitigate their effects and safeguard your business.

Why Conduct a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis offers several benefits for businesses looking to develop a robust marketing strategy:

Informed Decision-Making:

By understanding your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can make more informed decisions about your marketing tactics, resource allocation, and overall direction.

Improved Competitive Positioning:

A SWOT analysis helps you identify gaps in the market and areas where your business can differentiate itself from competitors. This insight allows you to create a unique value proposition and target your marketing efforts more effectively.

Enhanced Problem Solving:

Understanding your weaknesses and threats can help you pinpoint areas that require improvement or attention. This process can help you identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems.

Increased Agility:

Identifying opportunities and threats in your external environment allows you to stay ahead of industry trends and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly. This increased agility can help your business remain competitive in a fast-paced marketplace.

A SWOT analysis is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. By examining your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can make informed decisions, improve your competitive positioning, and ensure your marketing efforts are focused and effective. Contact ActionCMO today to learn how our fractional Chief Marketing Officers can help you conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and create a winning marketing strategy for your business! Free Marketing Discussion

Unleashing the Power Trio: Igniting Your Marketing Department with Creativity, Financial Mastery, and Sales Prowess


The marketing landscape has evolved over the years, and in today’s hyper-competitive world, it is crucial to build a marketing department that can adapt and innovate effectively. To achieve this, businesses must maintain a balance of creative talent, profit & loss (P&L) expertise, and sales experience. I’d like to explore how some sales teams employ education-focused marketing strategies to boost sales and engage customers in a way that resonates positively with them.

The Crucial Triad: Creative, P&L, and Sales Experience

Creative Talent:

A successful marketing department thrives on fresh ideas and innovative approaches. Creative talent is essential for generating compelling content and unique strategies that differentiate your brand from competitors. This talent fuels the development of engaging campaigns, eye-catching visuals, and captivating messaging that resonates with your target audience.

Profit & Loss Expertise:

P&L expertise ensures that your marketing efforts generate a positive return on investment (ROI). By understanding the financial implications of various marketing strategies, P&L experts can allocate resources more efficiently and identify areas for improvement. This knowledge helps in making informed decisions that align marketing initiatives with the company’s overall financial goals.

Sales Experience:

Sales experience is the key to understanding customer needs, pain points, and preferences. A marketing team with sales experience can design campaigns that speak directly to the target audience and address their concerns. This ability to empathize with customers and anticipate their needs leads to more effective marketing campaigns that drive conversions and sales.

Education-Based Marketing: A Win-Win Approach

As consumer behavior evolves, traditional sales tactics are becoming less effective. Today, prospects seek valuable information and genuine engagement rather than being subjected to a hard sell. This is where education-based marketing comes into play. By providing educational content, businesses can build trust and credibility with their target audience, ultimately leading to increased sales.

Here are three ways to implement education-based marketing in your campaigns:

Create Informative Content:

Develop content that addresses common customer pain points and provides solutions to their problems. This can include blog posts, eBooks, whitepapers, and videos that cover industry trends, best practices, and product features. By offering insightful content, you position your brand as a thought leader and create a connection with your audience that can lead to future sales.

Host Webinars and Workshops:

Interactive events like webinars and workshops allow you to engage with prospects directly and demonstrate your expertise. These events not only provide valuable information but also give customers the opportunity to ask questions and interact with your brand. This fosters trust and rapport, making prospects more likely to consider your products or services in the future.

Leverage Social Media for Customer Education:

Social media platforms are excellent channels for sharing educational content and engaging with your audience. By sharing informative posts, answering questions, and participating in discussions, you can showcase your brand’s expertise and foster a sense of community around your products or services.

To effectively market and grow your brand, your marketing department needs a balance of creative talent, P&L expertise, and sales experience. By adopting education-based marketing techniques, you can build trust with prospects, establish your brand as an industry expert, and ultimately drive more sales. Investing in this approach ensures that your marketing efforts cater to the evolving needs of today’s consumers and position your brand for long-term success.

If you find yourself grappling with your marketing efforts and are eager to explore sales-driven marketing techniques tailored to your business, don’t hesitate to reach out. At Action CMO, we are here to help you navigate the ever-changing marketing landscape. Visit our website at to schedule a no-obligation consultation, and let’s start crafting a marketing strategy that delivers results and resonates with your customers. Your success is our priority!

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business with a Tailored Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategies are the backbone of any successful business. They help you identify your target audience, analyze your competitors, and craft an irresistible offer that appeals to your customers. But where do you start? That’s where ActionCMO comes in! In this post, we’ll explore how our expert fractional Chief Marketing Officers can help you develop a winning marketing strategy.

The Role of a Fractional CMO:

A fractional CMO is a high-level marketing professional who brings years of experience and expertise to your business on a part-time or project basis. They can help you strategize, plan, and execute your marketing campaigns while saving you money on hiring a full-time executive.

Creating a Marketing Strategy:

The first step to a successful marketing strategy is understanding your goals. Our expert fractional CMOs will work with you to define your objectives, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales.

Next, we’ll analyze your target audience, identifying their demographics, interests, and pain points. This information will allow us to craft a message that resonates with your potential customers and encourages them to take action.

SWOT Analysis:

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps you identify your business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Our experienced CMOs will guide you through this process, providing insights and recommendations to help you capitalize on your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses.

Competitor Analysis:

Understanding your competitors is crucial to staying ahead in the market. Our fractional CMOs will conduct a thorough competitor analysis, examining their marketing strategies, messaging, and positioning. This information will help us identify gaps in the market and opportunities for your business to differentiate itself.

Creating an Irresistible Offer:

A well-crafted offer can make or break your marketing campaign. Our fractional CMOs will help you develop an irresistible offer that not only appeals to your target audience but also provides them with a compelling reason to choose your business over your competitors.

Making Sure People Know How to Do Business with You:

One of the most important aspects of any marketing strategy is ensuring that your potential customers know how to engage with your business. Our fractional CMOs will work with you to create clear calls-to-action and easy-to-navigate user experiences, making it simple for people to do business with you.

Grassroots Marketing Techniques:

Growing your business doesn’t have to break the bank. Our fractional CMOs are well-versed in cost-effective, grassroots marketing techniques that can help you build brand awareness and generate leads without a massive investment.

Developing a marketing strategy can be a daunting task, but with the help of ActionCMO’s expert fractional CMOs, you can unlock your business’s full potential. From SWOT analysis and competitor analysis to creating an irresistible offer, we’ll provide the guidance and support you need to make your marketing campaigns a success. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you grow your business! Free Marketing Discussion

The Chameleon CMO: Mastering the Art of Classical, Contemporary, Performance, and Innovative Marketing

Innovative Marketing

As a business owner, you know that marketing is an essential aspect of your company’s success. In a world of fast-changing marketing trends and strategies, the ultimate superhero you need is a Fractional CMO who can don the cape of each marketing type with ease. A Fractional CMO is your marketing mastermind, able to speak the language of classical, contemporary, performance, and innovative marketers alike. But what do these types of marketers entail, and why are they important? Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the quirky world of marketing personas.

The Classical Marketer

Ah, the classical marketer – think Don Draper from Mad Men, minus the chain-smoking and martini lunches (probably). This marketing maestro has a deep-rooted foundation in the traditional world of print, radio, and television advertising. Their experience lies in crafting catchy slogans, creating timeless logos, and producing memorable ads that are still stuck in your head from the ’90s.

A classical marketer is essential to any business because they understand the roots of marketing and the art of storytelling. They are the ones who can create a legacy for your brand with their creative minds and old-school techniques. But don’t be fooled – just because their methods are tried and tested doesn’t mean they can’t keep up with the latest trends. After all, they’ve seen it all, from the advent of the Internet to the rise of social media.

As a Fractional CMO, you need to tap into your inner Don Draper to ensure that your marketing strategies are grounded in the fundamentals of branding and consumer psychology.

The Contemporary Marketer

The contemporary marketer is all about riding the wave of what’s trendy and relevant. They’re the ones you can spot a mile away, always carrying their laptops and smartphones with countless social media apps open, ready to jump on the latest TikTok challenge or Instagram Reels trend. The contemporary marketer is your go-to person for everything digital, including SEO, SEM, and content marketing.

With their finger on the pulse of the latest marketing trends, the contemporary marketer is well-equipped to create campaigns that resonate with the ever-evolving digital landscape. They’re also adept at understanding the intricacies of various social media platforms and how to tailor content to engage different audience segments.

As a Fractional CMO, your contemporary marketing side should be able to adapt quickly and leverage emerging channels to reach your target audience effectively. Remember, if you’re not keeping up with the trends, you’ll be left behind (and so will your business).

The Performance Marketer

Meet the performance marketer, or as we like to call them, the “data whisperer.” These marketers are all about numbers, metrics, and results. They thrive on the thrill of the chase – setting goals, optimizing campaigns, and driving conversions. They are the ones who religiously monitor Google Analytics, AdWords, and Facebook Insights, constantly tweaking and adjusting their campaigns to get the best possible ROI.

The performance marketer is crucial to any business because they ensure that every marketing effort is backed by measurable goals and tangible results. They help you understand what’s working, what’s not, and how to optimize your marketing strategies for maximum impact.

As a Fractional CMO, you need to embrace your inner data whisperer because, let’s face it – marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed. And nobody wants that.

The Innovative Marketer

Last but certainly not least, we have the innovative marketer. This creative genius always looks for new and inventive ways to market your products or services. They are the ones who come up with groundbreaking ideas, like using virtual reality for product demonstrations or developing an interactive, gamified experience to engage customers. The innovative marketer is a risk-taker, unafraid to challenge the status quo and explore uncharted territories in the realm of marketing.

Having an innovative marketer on your team is crucial because they keep your marketing strategy fresh and exciting, ensuring your brand remains at the forefront of your industry. They help you stand out from the competition and create memorable experiences for your audience, making them loyal advocates for your brand.

As a Fractional CMO, you must tap into your innovative marketing persona, continually looking for ways to reinvent your marketing efforts and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Embrace your inner marketing maverick, and watch your brand soar to new heights.

So, there you have it! The four types of marketers that every Fractional CMO must embody: the classical, contemporary, performance, and innovative marketers. As a business owner, you need a Fractional CMO who can effortlessly switch between these personas, ensuring your marketing strategy is well-rounded, data-driven, and engaging.

After all, a Fractional CMO is like a marketing chameleon, seamlessly adapting to each marketing type to help your business thrive in today’s ever-evolving marketing landscape. As a Fractional CMO, your job is to be the ultimate marketing superhero, juggling multiple marketing personas with ease, bringing together the best of each world, and making your marketing strategy a force to be reckoned with.

Now that you know the secret sauce to being an extraordinary Fractional CMO, it’s time to put on your marketing cape and save the day, one marketing campaign at a time! And remember, while it’s essential to keep things professional, don’t be afraid to have a little fun along the way. After all, marketing is all about connecting with your audience and creating memorable experiences – so why not make it enjoyable for everyone involved?

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of these four fabulous marketing personas, it’s time to take ACTION! Are you ready to unleash the full potential of your marketing strategy? Do you want a Fractional CMO who can seamlessly morph into a classical, contemporary, performance, and innovative marketer, making your marketing dreams come true? Look no further than Action CMO!

At Action CMO, we’re not just any ordinary marketing chameleons – the marketing superheroes you’ve been waiting for! And guess what? You don’t even need to send out the Bat-Signal to get in touch with us. Just hop over to for a no-obligation consultation, and we’ll swoop in to save the day.

But wait, there’s more! Not only will you get to discuss your marketing situation with a team of supercharged Fractional CMOs, but we’ll also share our secret marketing superpowers with you. That’s right – we’re ready to lift the curtain on our marketing wizardry and help you conquer the marketing world, one campaign at a time.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to embark on a marketing adventure like no other. Visit today and let us help you transform your marketing strategy from ordinary to extraordinary. The marketing universe awaits, and we can’t wait to be your trusty sidekicks on this exhilarating journey!

Why Marketing Often Fails And Who Is To Blame

marketing strategy

I’ve been a marketer for over 30 years, and I have found that the most effective marketing strategies are the ones that have been planned out well in advance. This is not to say that you need to do all of your marketing yourself, but it does mean that you should take an active role in ensuring your campaign is successful. Hold on to your seat, as the next paragraph is shocking but not surprising. 

Do You Know Who’s Doing Your Marketing?

Don’t trust your marketing to just anyone. According to an independent study called “Media Transparency Issues In The U.S. Advertising Industry” by K2 Intelligence, on behalf of the ANA, many legacy media companies take between 30 and 90% in fees and participate in non-transparent business practices, including cash rebates to media agencies, which were found to be rampant in the U.S. media ad-buying ecosystem. This means some agencies use 10 cents of your dollar to market your business.  

There were systemic elements to some of the non-transparent behavior. Specifically, senior executives across the agency ecosystem were aware of and mandated some non-transparent business practices. Also, there were many non-transparent practices across a wide range of media, including digital, print, out-of-home, and television.

Great! What do we do if these are hidden in the price they charge you? First, you need to know what to ask and properly vet out these companies—that’s where Action CMO comes in.

Below are three factors that can cause even the best marketing efforts to fail:

Lack Of A Plan

A marketing plan is essential for any company looking to succeed. In fact, it’s the first step in any professional marketing campaign. A good plan will outline all the elements of your campaign—from target audience selection and message development to budgeting, scheduling, and evaluation. Also, let the agency know what the expectations are for the campaign. 

It should include:

  • Your objective for the campaign (i.e., what you want to achieve)
  • Who your target audience is (the people you need to reach)
  • What mediums will be used (print ads, online ads, etc.) – be sure not to overspend on one particular medium (like TV) while neglecting others that are just as effective but less costly; if you do this then all you’ll do is bankrupt yourself before even beginning!

Lack of Follow Through

Follow-through is the final step in the marketing process. It’s what happens after you make a sale or gain a new customer, client, or patient, and it can make all the difference between success and failure. If you don’t follow through correctly —or worse, they have to follow up with you—you’re going to lose them. They won’t be inclined to buy from you again, especially if other vendors are offering better deals or services.

Not Adapting to Changes in Consumer Needs

The goal of marketing is to get people to buy your product or service. But what if the consumer isn’t interested in buying your product or service? It doesn’t matter how good or well-marketed it is; if there’s no demand for it, you’re out of luck.

Let’s use an example: say that you sell cars and you’ve been selling them pretty well for years—but then one day, someone comes up with a new invention that proves standard gasoline-powered cars are not only out of date but environmentally unfriendly. Obviously, if this happens, your marketing strategy will need some adaptation!

If your marketing agency isn’t in touch with your vision, values, and mission statement, then the marketing is boilerplate messaging with no differentiation factors. So the consumer can only make a decision between you and the competition on price alone. This is the worst way to compete. This is the standard for legacy media marketing agencies that use outdated tactics with little to no strategy in their spray-and-pray mentality. This seems to be the norm for legacy media executives who aren’t transparent and want to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

Want to find more ways to increase your business without using a marketing agency? Download ActionCMO’s marketing leverage sheet here:

Who Should Hire a Fractional CMO?

Hire A CMO

As you can see, there are many scenarios where hiring a fractional CMO makes sense. I’m sure you’re still wondering if it’s the right move for you. If so, let me help you figure that out!

First, consider whether your business needs an extra level of expertise in marketing or public relations. A fractional CMO can help with these things because they have high-level knowledge, experience, and connections to get the job done—but they won’t need to spend as much time on them as their full-time counterparts do. If this sounds like what your company needs right now, then hiring one could be a smart choice.

Second, think about how much time it would take for someone else on staff (or even another contractor) to work alongside me so that we can both get everything done without sacrificing efficiency or quality control along the way. The answer should help determine whether hiring an additional person would make sense for your company at this point in time: If yes—do it; if no—consider other options, such as using an automated tool or simply continuing without any new hires at all.

What Does a Fractional CMO Do and How Do They Benefit You?

A fractional CMO is an expert in marketing strategy. A fractional CMO applies the same skills to your business as they would to their own: they know how to grow it and ensure it achieves its full potential. They take the time to understand your goals, vision, and long-term plan for growth so that they can help you achieve them.

A fractional CMO should be seen as part of a team because their role isn’t limited to just advising on marketing activity; rather, they will work closely with you throughout every step of the way—from initial planning through execution—to ensure that all aspects of your strategy are aligned and working together as efficiently as possible. This includes everything from analyzing data and identifying new opportunities for growth through developing new programs or campaigns until after these initiatives have been launched (and beyond).

How to Know You Are Ready to Hire a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

You are ready to hire a fractional CMO if you have a clear marketing strategy and you are ready to implement it or if you need someone to help you create a marketing strategy. Too often, we see companies listening to agencies on what is needed to grow their business. They rely on the agency’s tactics instead of relying on a strategy that holds the agency accountable with checks and balances. This is one of the many benefits of using a fractional CMO. Maybe you need more time to focus on other aspects of running your business. This can be an important reason to have someone like a factional CMO to take on the marketing role in your organization.

Core Skills of Successful CMOs

From our experience, the core skills of a successful CMO are as follows:

  • Experience in digital marketing
  • Experience in marketing strategy
  • Experience in marketing operations
  • Experience in marketing analytics (i.e., data)
  • Experience in marketing technology (i.e., platforms, systems, and software)
  • Experience in marketing communications (i.e., advertising)
  • Creative skillset
  • Experienced in running a business 
  • P&L experience

A fractional chief marketing officer can be an affordable way to add the high-level marketing strategy your business needs.

In the end, a fractional chief marketing officer can be an affordable way to add the high-level marketing strategy your business needs. They can help you navigate the complexities of digital marketing and give you access to a wealth of knowledge about how to attract new customers, drive traffic to your website, and use an Omni channel approach to grow your business.

If this type of arrangement sounds good, you’re ready to take your business’s marketing strategy to the next level. Reach out today to discuss your marketing strategy with a no-obligation consultation.

Five signs your company needs a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)


It’s time for your company to get serious about marketing. No more leaving it to the last minute. When it’s time for a sale, you need a strategy involving all facets of your business, and a CMO might just be the team member who is best equipped for this position. A CMO is a person who makes sure your company has a cohesive and strategic marketing plan in place. They ensure you’re reaching your target audience effectively and what methods are most effective for reaching your target market.

 A CMO will also help you figure out what kind of message resonates with people and how to improve upon it over time. A CMO will help you develop an effective marketing strategy for your company. They’ll also ensure that each department is working together on a cohesive plan that’s as effective as possible. If you’re looking to grow your business and want to be sure you’re doing it right, then having a CMO is important. Here are five signs you should consider a fractional CMO for your marketing:

1)  Your sales team is creating and doing most of the marketing.

If your sales team is creating and doing most of the marketing, this means they’re focusing on their own goals instead of yours. This will lead to much wasted time and effort that could be better spent elsewhere. Having a CMO can help keep everyone on task with what needs to happen next for your business to grow. 

2) You’re relying on outside salespeople to market your company. 

This can be not only a huge waste of money but a call for concern as most outside agencies don’t understand, nor do they want to understand what you need. They want to sell you what they have. A fractional CMO is perfect for getting your marketing strategy in order and will help you save money in the long run. 

 3) Your company needs a fresh outlook on the marketing landscape. 

A fractional CMO can help you with this. They’ll be able to see what’s new in the industry and what will work best for your business by putting together the right strategy for your business goals. Unlike an agency, a fractional CMO will align with your overall brand vision, mission, and values. 

 4) Past marketing strategies have failed. 

You’re not alone if you’ve tried using different marketing strategies in the past and they didn’t work. It can be frustrating when you feel like all your efforts are for naught. A fractional CMO can help you figure out what went wrong, why it didn’t work, and how to fix it so that future strategies will be more effective.

5) You jump from marketing tactic to tactic, not fully understanding what’s working and what’s not. 

From setting up the proper KPIs to getting the right teams in place, a fractional CMO can help you better understand what’s working, what’s not, and, more importantly, why. They will use their years of experience and connections to help you develop a marketing strategy that works for your business. 

 When growing a business, the last thing you need is to spend more time researching what is needed to market your company. You’re busy running the day-to-day operations of your business, so it’s hard for you to focus on improving your marketing. That’s where a fractional CMO comes in. 

Want to discuss your marketing and how a Fractional CMO can help you and your business grow? At Action CMO, our experienced CMOs can bring the much-needed changes and guidance your business needs to succeed. We recommend doing your research to determine what your business needs are, determine if your marketing is effective and if you need marketing leadership.

If you want to learn more about how our fractional CMO service can help your business, contact us today for a free consultation.

How Bringing In A Fractional CMO Helps A Growing Company


If you are in a growth phase at your company, it is important to bring on a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). What exactly is the role of a CMO? How does one help a growing company? And what are the benefits of bringing on such an executive at this stage?

The answer: A CMO helps align all marketing efforts toward one objective: increasing sales. They also help with brand development, advertising, and messaging for external and internal audiences. The goal is to create an overall strategy that works for all parts of the business so that everyone, from product managers to salespeople, understands how they can contribute their specific skill set toward making money. What makes having someone like this person so valuable at this phase, as opposed to any other time during your company’s lifespan, is that you are scaling up quickly. Hence, there needs to be someone who understands where everything fits into place within each departmental structure. A CMO will bring a fresh perspective and focus to your company. They will help guide you through the best strategies for growth, as well as measure their impact objectively.

A Fractional CMO and Fresh Perspectives

Your company may have been doing well, but that could change instantly. If you are not bringing in fresh ideas and perspectives, your business will be stuck in the same place it is right now. A CMO will help you grow your business by providing new ideas, connecting with potential customers, increasing sales, and getting more people to work for your company.

Developing A Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that describes the overall direction of your marketing program. It includes your goals and objectives, budget, resources, and tactical plans for each product or service. A well-defined marketing strategy will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts and make changes as needed. This ensures that you are always heading in the right direction toward achieving your company’s vision.The marketing mix comprises a collection of promotional tools you use to get customers’ attention and persuade them to buy from you instead of your competitors. These include:

Branding – Your unique identity as it is expressed through products or services offered; how customers perceive what they are buying from you (or not buying).Advertising – Information about a product/service conveyed through any media channel—including TV commercials, billboards, magazines ads, etc.—to inform potential customers about what is available on the market so they can make informed purchase decisions about whether or not something fits their needs/wants before making purchases themselves.

Implementation, Execution, And Analytics

This is where you need to decide what is most important and focus your resources on the top 10 things that will drive growth. What are those? They could be product development, branding, marketing channels, or sales strategy. The key is focusing on what works and why it does—and then doubling down on those efforts.How do you know which efforts are paying off? You can use analytics tools to track user behavior across different channels, such as web traffic or app downloads. This will give you an idea of how many people are coming through each channel so that you can effectively allocate resources based on ROI data rather than guesswork (or, worse yet—opinions).Implementing data analytics into your marketing means you can improve the way your business runs and better optimize its performance. Data analytics have the ability to help a business reduce costs by identifying more efficient ways of doing business and by storing large amounts of data for future reference. It is critical that a CMO understands data and can identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth while being financially prudent. 

Advantage For Growth

Inserting the Fractional CMO role at any point in the growth of a company can help give you an advantage.

The benefits of having a fractional CMO are numerous, but they do not come without their own challenges. If you are considering hiring a CMO for your company, here are some tips to help you along the way.Using an agency or freelancer can be advantageous in certain situations. Still, if you are looking for someone who will work with you on building marketing strategies and campaigns, it is best to find someone who will focus on your brand building. Too often, companies think an agency will take on the role of a CMO. That can be a bad assumption as most agencies use salespeople to bridge the gap with companies. The issue is that they only sell you what they have, not what you need. When searching for a CMO candidate, look at their previous experience and how it relates to where your business is currently and where it might go in the future. Also, does the CMO have experience in running a business? Do they understand the numbers and data needed to be a successful entrepreneur? Do they have the passion and drive for your industry?  Too often, we see marketers talk about web promoter scores, brand and social metrics as success tools. This is merely fluff. A CMO can explain the data and answer financial questions on how this affects the bottom line. A CMO needs to show the impact of the work and defend the budgets. I hope this article has helped you understand the value of bringing a Fractional CMO into your company. As we have seen, their role is important not only for large companies but also for small businesses that are looking to grow quickly and effectively with their marketing strategies. If you want more information on hiring a Fractional CMO and discussing your marketing strategy, contact us by making an appointment at